Breeders Can Go To Hell (scroll down five)
Thirdly, but not lastly, is the most viable, in my opinion, of solutions. It combines some of the first method, only in that it involves government regulation. Citizens of every country should be issued a license in order to bear little ones. In order to qualify, a couple or individual, would have to meet certain qualifications to get their parenting license. To avoid public outrage, it would be as fairly negotiated as possible. You would have to meet employment criteria. Income bracket specifications would incite objections that only the rich might flourish. Using employment as a gage, the prospective matriarch and patriarch must bring in the average minimum, alone or seperately, that it takes to provide for their young. Done with welfare! Have you noticed that the couples with the lowest income tend to have the most kids? Doesn't seem in balance to me. There would be a background check involved as well. No man or woman who has been convicted of child abuse or molestation would be allowed to bear young.
There are more, drastically radical ideas floating around in my booze-addled mind that are probably best not shared with the public at large. They aren't viable anyway and would involve my incarceration for a very long, long time. Not desireable, compared to the alternatives.
And it is with that series of posts that I leave you. I leave you to ponder the issues of overpopulation and five-o-clock traffic.
There are more, drastically radical ideas floating around in my booze-addled mind that are probably best not shared with the public at large. They aren't viable anyway and would involve my incarceration for a very long, long time. Not desireable, compared to the alternatives.
And it is with that series of posts that I leave you. I leave you to ponder the issues of overpopulation and five-o-clock traffic.
Breeders Can Go To Hell (scroll down four)
Next, has long been a fantasy of mine, inspired partly by Christopher Walken and The Dead Zone movie. If I had one wish with which I could emboss myself with super powers, you wouldn't find me climbing walls or spinning the Earth wrong-way-round(the original post had something about shitting gold bricks). My super-human attribute would be the ability to grace any individual with infertility upon shaking my hand. I would be indescriminate in execution. No man, woman, local, foreigner, or race would be spared the embrace of my cursed hand. The only people I think I would avoid would be pregnant women, who should be avoided at all costs anyway.
Breeders Can Go To Hell (scroll down three)
This is not the only time such topic has flashed itself from neuron to neuron in my brain. No, I've pondered solutions from the recent past to the completely absurd. Firstly, there's the idea that citizens should only be allowed a certain number of offspring. It's been done. Think communist China. With this practice, there arises many problems. You've got a nation outraged that a government should try to control their populus this way. You've got parents either killing off or selling off their female children in order to save the two-children slots for the males, who will continue the family name. You've got an imbalance of the male to female ratio. Not going to work. Nix that idea.
Breeders Can Go To Hell (scroll down two)
The problem is, there are too many people! "This is suburban Colorado", I thought to myself, "I can only imagine what it's like in L.A." If only mankind would stop churning out offspring, then maybe the world would have a chance! Why, only yesterday, I was making my way toward the red and white gateway of a Target Superstore to buy some cottage cheese. I spotted a woman pushing a loaded shopping cart. What was it filled with? No, not affordable solutions for modern-day living - it was filled with children! "Good God," I thought, a thinly veiled look of disgust cast in her direction, "There are 5 of them!" They were clearly all product of her particular loins. There's got to be a limit, somehow, someway.
Breeders Can Go to Hell (scroll down one)
Here's the best attempt I can muster at reconstructing my previously hindered post. It went something like this....
"I'm having a cigarette, a bloodly mary, and a bag of chips and I damn well deserve all three. After making it through the work day without smoking, I was rewarded with an hour and a half drive home. The traffic was insane. I tried to escape, but each time I was confronted with a stalled car, bumper to bumper highway and a clutch that hasn't worked properly for quite some time. It's toasty outside today. My truck has no A/C. I almost paniced due to claustrophobia. And as I sat there, marinating in my own sweat, my mind started to boil like an egg.
I began to realize the problem..."
"I'm having a cigarette, a bloodly mary, and a bag of chips and I damn well deserve all three. After making it through the work day without smoking, I was rewarded with an hour and a half drive home. The traffic was insane. I tried to escape, but each time I was confronted with a stalled car, bumper to bumper highway and a clutch that hasn't worked properly for quite some time. It's toasty outside today. My truck has no A/C. I almost paniced due to claustrophobia. And as I sat there, marinating in my own sweat, my mind started to boil like an egg.
I began to realize the problem..."
MSN Can Go To Hell
My mouth, rendered sensitive by the "bold n spicy" bloody mary on the desk to my left, is barely able to cope with the katsup saturated, fresh out the oven, tater tots I'm trying to injest. My eyes, rendered blurry by the amount of alcohol in my bloodstream, are barely able to decifer the letters my fingers bring to life. My brain, overheated by my fustration, is barely able to cope with the fact that the eloquent post I was so proud of has disappeared. That's what you get when you combine a dial-up connection with a desperately un-de-fragged hard drive.
So, I shall attempt, to the best of my ability, to reconstruct my thoughts that were so arrogantly deleted by the god of users. I'll post, this time, in short bursts, as an attempt to foil the combination of hurdles in my way. (scroll up)
So, I shall attempt, to the best of my ability, to reconstruct my thoughts that were so arrogantly deleted by the god of users. I'll post, this time, in short bursts, as an attempt to foil the combination of hurdles in my way. (scroll up)
I Am Hell's Bleeding Ears
I almost forgot the reason I fought so hard to get online this morning (afternoon). I've been working on a mix cd for my cousin this week, between all my other projects. Told you I had several going at once. I've finally ended up with a satisfactory arrangement and I burned 2 copies of it. The title is "Sugarplumbs and Suicide" and the track listing is as follows:
1. Fall Out Boy - "My heart is the worst kind of weapon" (acoustic)
2. Motion City Soundtrack - "Resolution"
3. My Chemical Romance - "Headfirst for Halos"
4. The Flaming Lips - "One more robot/sympathy 3000-21"
5. Ween - "Freedom of '76"
6. 3 - "Bramfatura"
7. Beck - "Scarecrow"
8. Weezer - "This is such a pity"
9. 3 - "Dogs of War"
10. The Flaming Lips - "Yoshimi battles the pink robots part 1"
11. My Chemical Romance - "Romance"
12. 3 - "Dregs"
13. Nine Inch Nails - "Every day is exactly the same"
14. Beck - "Missing"
15. The White Stripes - "Take, take, take"
16. Fink - "We are ninja"
It took me 3 days to get all the tracks in just the right order. Couldn't tell you if my cousin will like it or not. I haven't seen him for a year and a half and only spoke with him briefly since then. But, we somehow miraculously seem to be on the same level, so I'm trusting luck that he'll approve of my choices. It's just like me too, to turn this into some overblown art project. Instead of a simple track listing and black magic marker label, I'm birthing an entire booklet of pictures and blurbs about the songs. I made up a clever cover on the computer. I have copies of each album cover, which I'll embellish with lace and glitter, etc. On the back of each album page, I've written up a list of all the songs I used from that album, plus a little comment about each. It should amuse him.
Who gets copy #2, you ask? Shenry does, although he'll get the more basic version. He's the grand master of mix cds and in return for his advice, I'm sharing my creative energies with him.
What's next, you ask? The next mix cd, solely for my own amusement, will be "Songs for My Funeral" or some similar title. Shenry will get a copy of that one too, since I plan to elicit his assistance again.
1. Fall Out Boy - "My heart is the worst kind of weapon" (acoustic)
2. Motion City Soundtrack - "Resolution"
3. My Chemical Romance - "Headfirst for Halos"
4. The Flaming Lips - "One more robot/sympathy 3000-21"
5. Ween - "Freedom of '76"
6. 3 - "Bramfatura"
7. Beck - "Scarecrow"
8. Weezer - "This is such a pity"
9. 3 - "Dogs of War"
10. The Flaming Lips - "Yoshimi battles the pink robots part 1"
11. My Chemical Romance - "Romance"
12. 3 - "Dregs"
13. Nine Inch Nails - "Every day is exactly the same"
14. Beck - "Missing"
15. The White Stripes - "Take, take, take"
16. Fink - "We are ninja"
It took me 3 days to get all the tracks in just the right order. Couldn't tell you if my cousin will like it or not. I haven't seen him for a year and a half and only spoke with him briefly since then. But, we somehow miraculously seem to be on the same level, so I'm trusting luck that he'll approve of my choices. It's just like me too, to turn this into some overblown art project. Instead of a simple track listing and black magic marker label, I'm birthing an entire booklet of pictures and blurbs about the songs. I made up a clever cover on the computer. I have copies of each album cover, which I'll embellish with lace and glitter, etc. On the back of each album page, I've written up a list of all the songs I used from that album, plus a little comment about each. It should amuse him.
Who gets copy #2, you ask? Shenry does, although he'll get the more basic version. He's the grand master of mix cds and in return for his advice, I'm sharing my creative energies with him.
What's next, you ask? The next mix cd, solely for my own amusement, will be "Songs for My Funeral" or some similar title. Shenry will get a copy of that one too, since I plan to elicit his assistance again.
Hell in a Plastic Cup
It's half past 2 in the afternoon and I'm sitting here in my robe, sipping Chinese tea. I woke up about a half hour ago, toasted up some tater-tots and fought with the computer again. Our struggle ended badly last night, but I won this morning! I don't know how I'll manage to start working at 8 in the morning again. Two o'clock feels like hell. I guess it doesn't matter what time I arise, I still feel like crap. That might explain why I don't usually want to get out of bed. That might explain why I lose my job for not showing up.
But, I have a new job now! I had an interview yesterday afternoon and I aced it. They want me to take a drug test tomorrow before they can combine it with the results of my background check and decide if I'm still desireable as an employee. WEll, I'm not a felon or a junkie, so there shouldn't be issues. It pays to not get caught. I'll be working next week and onward for about 6 months in the legal department of an insurance company. Same old "file this" and "copy that" bullshit though. I haven't landed that art career or bass player gig yet, so this is what I get. I do plan to become a rep for Passion Parties, if I can swing the financial end. That'll give me a night job that could turn into a full time thing. Then, I can go from there.
More good news for Neko this week. On monday, I learned the results of my ex-husband's trial. The fucker gets 12 years. Did I post that already? Well, it bears repeating. That rotten, lowly bastard gets to be passed around for cigarettes for the next twelve years of his life as payment for what he did to me. Good! That'll give me time to skip town before he tries it again. Because, I don't believe he'll ever stop trying to kill me. Ever. I'm happy to have the whole court process over with. I'm happy that it wasn't continued AGAIN. It was almost 2 years ago that these crimes were committed and only now have we reached resolution. Jezus. Now, at least, I can move on and make more solid plans for myself.
With that hurdle reached, and my new job, I'll be ready to move soon. That will be great for my sence of pride and lack of personal space. Unless my future roommate's got a computer, I'll still have to visit this place for my net fix.
But, I have a new job now! I had an interview yesterday afternoon and I aced it. They want me to take a drug test tomorrow before they can combine it with the results of my background check and decide if I'm still desireable as an employee. WEll, I'm not a felon or a junkie, so there shouldn't be issues. It pays to not get caught. I'll be working next week and onward for about 6 months in the legal department of an insurance company. Same old "file this" and "copy that" bullshit though. I haven't landed that art career or bass player gig yet, so this is what I get. I do plan to become a rep for Passion Parties, if I can swing the financial end. That'll give me a night job that could turn into a full time thing. Then, I can go from there.
More good news for Neko this week. On monday, I learned the results of my ex-husband's trial. The fucker gets 12 years. Did I post that already? Well, it bears repeating. That rotten, lowly bastard gets to be passed around for cigarettes for the next twelve years of his life as payment for what he did to me. Good! That'll give me time to skip town before he tries it again. Because, I don't believe he'll ever stop trying to kill me. Ever. I'm happy to have the whole court process over with. I'm happy that it wasn't continued AGAIN. It was almost 2 years ago that these crimes were committed and only now have we reached resolution. Jezus. Now, at least, I can move on and make more solid plans for myself.
With that hurdle reached, and my new job, I'll be ready to move soon. That will be great for my sence of pride and lack of personal space. Unless my future roommate's got a computer, I'll still have to visit this place for my net fix.
I'll Send You To Hell
Brush Stroking Myself to Hell
I've been working on that painting. My computer, however, has been refusing to recognize the digicam plugged into its USB port for some time. So, it's not until now that I'm able to share the continuing progress with my beloved audience. The orange hoodie is still on hold, I'm afraid. I still haven't come up with a solution. I may iron it, wash it and see if that does the trick.
Without further ado, or to do, or doo doo, here are the recent pics of the painting.

I've started to add a few colors and fill in the body.

This is basically the same pic, but with a few more colors.

Here's where I started yesterday. I managed to squeeze in my crows. This has inspired me to do a whole crow series. Yesterday, I picked up my next canvas and a new paintbrush.
So, this final pic is how the painting stands now.
Without further ado, or to do, or doo doo, here are the recent pics of the painting.

I've started to add a few colors and fill in the body.

This is basically the same pic, but with a few more colors.

Here's where I started yesterday. I managed to squeeze in my crows. This has inspired me to do a whole crow series. Yesterday, I picked up my next canvas and a new paintbrush.
So, this final pic is how the painting stands now.

Saved By the Hell
There's a device I've heard of. It's something they install in vehicles whos owners have been busted for DUI. I've never seen one, but the concept as I understand it is that one must blow into the device before they're able to start their car and the device determines whether or not said owner is sober enough to be behind the wheel. Well, I need one of those installed on my computer. I wouldn't be able to go online without passing the breathalizer test.
I got home from book club last night. I shouldn't have driven anywhere. Whatever it was that posessed me to come home and continue drinking, after the bottle of wine I was encouraged to finish off, I will never know. So, I got behind a mouse and started driving again. I vaguely remember posting to little tragedies and I woke up this morning, horrified! I ran to the computer, fought with it until I was able to log on, and was relieved to find that the drunken spew was all gone. In my stupor, had I forgotten to hit "publish post"? Is there some blog god that determined I should be spared the embarassment of sharing those thoughts with the world wide web? Whatever it was, I don't see that post anymore and I'm grateful. I remember the topic of the mysterious post. It's not something I should be sharing with anyone. It's one of those thoughts that should only be shared with battery-operated devices in the privacy of ones own home.
I got home from book club last night. I shouldn't have driven anywhere. Whatever it was that posessed me to come home and continue drinking, after the bottle of wine I was encouraged to finish off, I will never know. So, I got behind a mouse and started driving again. I vaguely remember posting to little tragedies and I woke up this morning, horrified! I ran to the computer, fought with it until I was able to log on, and was relieved to find that the drunken spew was all gone. In my stupor, had I forgotten to hit "publish post"? Is there some blog god that determined I should be spared the embarassment of sharing those thoughts with the world wide web? Whatever it was, I don't see that post anymore and I'm grateful. I remember the topic of the mysterious post. It's not something I should be sharing with anyone. It's one of those thoughts that should only be shared with battery-operated devices in the privacy of ones own home.
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