
Wake Up In Hell

This morning, I blinked my eyes awake and realized that it wasn't my alarm clock that had awoken me. I fumbled around for my cell phone (which has been acting as an alarm clock)and checked the time. Usually, when I wake up completely on my own, it's past time for me to be at work. Today, I was 5 minutes ahead of my alarm. I found my glasses and put them on. The light in my bedroom was on. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was jammed in a corner of the couch (which has been acting as a bed). There was a glass of red wine spilled on the floor. Ugh...I must have fallen asleep reading last night...that means I didn't take my meds or brush my teeth or anything...Oh god, I feel like crap...I've got to figure out a way not to have to get up in the mornings anymore...really, that should be my goal from now on.

By the time I finish it, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be the longest book I've ever read. It will narrowly beat out Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. I'm counting page numbers, of course, not word count or difficulty level. HP weighs in at 870 pages. After that, I've got one 652 page book and another 784 page novel to go before I'm done with Mr. Potter. My reward for finishing each is to buy the DVD that's next in line. At the moment, I have the first two movies and when I finish The Order of the Phoenix, I will buy the third movie on DVD. I suppose reading the book will be its own reward, but there has to be something holding me back from spending all my money at once.

I met a girl recently who told me that she had a craft business and she worked from home. As it turned out, she was an Etsy seller with a scant 4 items to offer in her store. While I think it's cool that she's actually started to get something off the ground, I don't know if it qualifies as a business. "Fake it 'till you make it." I guess. She had the luxury of working from home because her bf is loaded, not because she reached that summit via talent alone.

There's got to be a way that I can leave this mundane 8-5 world and thrive.


Hell Has New Rules

Hi All. Don't know if you got the memo, but it turns out that I'm the new ruler of Earth! Neat, huh? Anyways, before things get all crazy and out of hand, I just thought I'd let you know what the new laws are, so that nobody has to get hurt real bad. Here's the new list of rules we'll be going with from now on and what will happen if you are bad and don't listen to Neko.

Rule #1: There will be no spitting in public. Should you be witnessed spitting in public by any of my new enforcement officers, you shall recieve a ticket and a fine of $500.00.

Rule #2: All those convited of murder, rape or child molestation will be executed immediately upon a guilty verdict. As in, taken in back of the courthouse and shot.

Rule #3
: There is no longer such sentence as "life in prison".

Rule #4: Welfare benefits shall extend only to those with two or fewer children. Any family on Welfare with over two children, will have to live off of the two child benefit amount.

Rule #5: Any person convited of animal cruelty shall be imprisoned and have such punishment as was inflicted on the animal involved in the case.

Rule #6: Any person who wears animal fur will be shot on sight. Persons owning garments made of animal fur prior to Rule #6 being enforced shall immediately surrender such garments to their nearest animal rescue association. Any persons posessing garments made of animal fur, or possessing animal pelts of any kind must be employed with an animal rescue association and is required to be licensed to handle such materials.

Rule #7: There will no longer be testing of any kind performed on animals. Any medicals tests that absolutely must be performed on a living test subject or on once living flesh shall henceforth be performed on prison inmates. Prison inmates do not have the option of declining to participate.

Rule #8: The flesh of animals for human consumption shall henceforth be rationed. All factory farms must immediately cease operations. Government inspectors will be dispatched to each farm in the country. Any farm owner or manager found to have shown unnecessary cruelty during the practice of farming will be immediately fed to hungry pigs and/or hogs.

Neko reserves the right to enact new laws whenever she so pleases. However, she will post each new law for one week before it shall begin to be enforced. (You have one week from the date of this notice to comply in full.)