
The One

I was thinking this morning, for some reason, about all of the references to "The One" - i.e. the chosen one - in film. Either the topic is a popular one in cinema, or the theme just so happens to pop up in what I'm watching. (Am I subconsciously drawn to it?) Off the top of my head, we've got The Highlander, The Matrix, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and of course The One. Does "the one" symbolize Jesus Christ? Is that what it all boils down to? The Matrix certainly has the whole biblical parallel thing going on. Or maybe that's just where the concept originated. In Highlander and in The One, the star individual gains power by eliminating others of his kind. Surely that's not a very Christlike concept.

Here's another question. Why is it that "the one" is always male? That would seem to support my Christian theory. Are there any films where the lead female character is referred to in this manner? There is no shortage of female action heroes. Does this singular dominator only appear in American movies?

So many questions...my mind is always swirling after my morning cup of joe. I guess it takes some time to settle down after my bizarre dream activity. Some of the strangest things come to mind while I'm asleep. If there was only a way to record these nocturnal specters, I'd be rolling in cash money!

Can you think of any more movies with "The One" mention?

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