Showing posts with label make-your-own-mondays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make-your-own-mondays. Show all posts


Make Your Own Mondays or When Lettuce Goes to Hell vol. 2

I probably shouldn't have bought myself lunch today, considering that I'm in a bad financial place right now, but Neko's gotta eat! Today's creation was inspired by Mother Italy - spinach, cannelloni beans, fresh tomatoes, kalamata olives and fresh Parmesan cheese with a light splash of port vinaigrette dressing to tie everything together. The beans and cheese provide the protein, the tomatoes and spinach provide the iron, vitamins and calcium, and the olives provide the zing! Damn, do I love olives! The combination of the extra salty olives and the unexpectedly salty Parm were only mildly offset by the delicately sweet dressing. I found the fresh tomatoes refreshing though. I don't normally have them.

I posted my very first items on Etsy today! I've had an account for a while now, but just finally got around to making things to sell. If only I could take better pictures, my items would look a bit more professional.

These are dish-washing travel kits. They only take me about a day traveling to and fro on the bus to finish! Keep your fingers crossed for me that they sell! I totally need the money for my trip this weekend!! My poor, broke ass!! I will have nothing to spend and my friends will think I'm a stupid loser who isn't any fun to hang out with. :(

I took a nice walk in the cemetery near my new apartment. It's really beautiful there! I love all the old statues and gigantic trees. During the summer, I think I'll try to walk there every night after dinner.

I had a frustrating weekend, but a productive one. Just thinking about it right now is giving me a headache though, so maybe I'll save the story for another time. Bleh.


Make Your Own Mondays or When Lettuce Goes to Hell

Ugh. I need a rebase, badly!

I've decided that Mondays should be "Make Your Own" salad day for lunch. I usually go to my mailbox on Monday and there's one of those salad bar places nearby. I like to try a custom salad each time, instead of going with one of their predetermined combinations. Naturally, there are very few of them that don't include meat of some kind. The meat-free options are terribly uninspired, considering how many ingredients they have on hand. Today's salad is spinach with jack cheese, roasted corn, avocado and black beans with a roasted red pepper dressing. There were supposed to be pumpkin seeds too, but the salad guy gave me sunflower seeds by mistake. As usual, the whole thing is smothered with dressing - not my preference at all. I mean, there's like a quarter inch of dressing pooling at the bottom of this dish! Next time, I'll have to remember to tell them not to be so heavy with the sauce. To wash the whole mess down with I've selected one of my favorite beverages - a sparkling grapefruit Izze.

Perhaps my decision to pamper myself with this lunch creation was brought about by the date today. Today is the anniversary of my brother's death (his death-day?) and I'm going to visit his grave after work. I'm dealing with it just fine, but taking it easy on myself anyway. After all, I will have to deal with my father later on. Last week, I started the first of many sessions with my new tattoo artist. I'm getting half sleeves in honor of my little bro. Wednesday, we did the outline and some shading on my left arm. It took three hours. I have three more hours under the needle before it will be finished. Then, we will move on to my right arm. They're going to look badass!! I've wanted sleeves forever!

Caw! Caw!