
A Hell of a Mood (Part II)

After reading my last post (if you haven't, I suggest you do so now), you might be thinking that the whole process is unfair, that different people have different views and experiences, everyone makes mistakes, and one is entitled to a little indescretion now and again. And you'd be right. That's why the legislative branch of K.A.R.M.A. exists. This branch consists of a board that collectively determines if certain actions require neutralization. It's primary governing guidelines would be the following:

1. "Acts of Stupidity" shall be defined as those which endanger or supremely annoy, unnecessarily, the general population.

2. "Acts of Stupidity" that do not effect individuals outside of the one performing the act will not be considered punishable actions. (i.e. if Idiot Bob forgets which way his front doorknob turns on a consistent basis, although dumb, shall not be considered grounds for termination, because no one else is harmed or inconvenienced by his forgetfulness.)

3. One time "Acts of Stupidity" also shall not be subject to enforcement. It is allowable that each member of the population make a small degree of mistakes during their existence.

4. Only "Acts of Stupidity" that are performed repeatedly , or a habitual combination of stupid bahaviors, shall be grounds for enforcement.

4a. In the event that an individual's "Act of Stupidity" grossly endangers the life of another (as in the bear example) enforcement shall immediately be allowed.

The committee determining which acts will be defined as "gross endangerment" and which acts effect the population adversely, shall be made up of an equal number of males and females who come from different cultures and backgrounds. One culture may view an act as idiotic. However, without the understanding that different perspectives can bring about, it may not come to light that the individual performing the action is doing so according to ignorance of his surroundings, rather than a consious intent to disregard his fellow citizens.

Okay, chew on that for a while, while I get back to work.


shenry said...

Give me a secret society and count me in. I like the example of Idiot Bob because his execution is public... right there outside the Starbucks for all to see. BANG! Blood, gore, brains, violence. Shit, justice like that would go a long way toward deterring acts of idiocy.

shenry said...


Can I head up a K.A.R.M.A team? Please?

Neko Noir said...

Oh, yeah. And certainly.

The whole idea was the monumentally satisfying sensation of seeing some stupid asshole get his guts splattered everywhere in the most brutal (but fast) fashion possible.