
Sneaky Little Hellion

I've been to The Book and I snuck off with something. Let's see if I can be clever in 15 minutes.

[x]three names you go by[x]
1. Neko
2. Neko Noir
3. Chibi Risu

[x]three parts of your heritage[x]
1. Italian
2. Greek
3. Whitie

[x]three things that scare you[x]
1. bridges
2. large dogs
3. the words "I love you"

[x]three of your everyday essentials[x]
1. shower
2. liquor
3. masturbation

[x]three things you are wearing right now[x]
1. Black Doc Martins
2. maxi pad
3. coffee stains

[x]three favorite musical artists[x]
1. Beck
2. Bjork
3. Jack White

[x]three favorite songs[x]
1. Helena - My Chemical Romance
2. Vampires Will Never Hurt You - My Chemical Romance
3. Fur Elise - Beethoven

[x]three things you want in a relationship[x]
1. sex
2. sex
3. sex

[x]two truths and a lie[x]
1. I am not fat
2. I am not pretty
3. I am not sober

[x]three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you[x]
1. eyes
2. hair (only the head kind)
3. shoulders

[x]three of your favorite hobbies[x]
1. drinking
2. sleeping
3. imagining devine retribution

[x]three things you want to do really badly right now[x]
1. go home
2. take off my clothes
3. take a shower

[x]three places you want to go on vacation[x]
1. Japan
2. Gerard Way's house
3. Gerard Way's bed

[x]three things you want to do before you die[x]
1. Jump out of an airplane
2. Fuck Gerard Way
3. Fuck Gerard Way again

[x]three ways that you are stereotypically a chick/dude[x]
1. I'm a slut
2. I like cute fuzzy things
3. I'll sleep with your friends and try to steal your s/o

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