

So Neko, you think you can come back here, after all this time, and grovel; beg your reader(s) for forgiveness? Do you actually expect anyone to be left here, waiting for a new post? Do you seriously imagine that anyone, anywhere, could be interested enough in your epic blog fail to hang around since May? Pah!!

But...but......I was going to post. Really, I was! It's just...there's this evil thing out there...it's called facebook...it sucked out my brain! I was gonna post lots a times, honest!

I'm sure you were, Neko. I'm sure that every day, on the way to work, a million little post topics swirled around in your head. But they didn't make it onto Little Tragedies, did they? Where did they go, Neko? Into what vortex were they sucked? Did the homework doggie eat them? Face it, you owe the blog-o-verse big time. No more excuses. No weaseling your way out of this one!

But...there's this game....and it has chickens..cute, little, small, little, virtual birdies...they're so CUUUUUUTEE!

Silence! You must now post for at least 15 minutes a day. Or be eliminated entirely from the web!! Bwahahahahaha!


phx said...

Hi! :) I hear you about facebook. It's so easy to post a status instead of an entire blog entry. And the fb games.... agghhh...

Neko Noir said...

Oh my! Country Story is just the cutest thing ever. I just wish it wasn't so slow going.