Showing posts with label fur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fur. Show all posts


Fur Wearing Bitch From Hell

Ooohhh! You'll never guess what happened yesterday. I was on the train, headed home after work. I'm sitting there, listening to my iPod, trying to rememeber which station I parked my car at, when guess what sits down right next to me. It was a woman in a full-length mink coat! I'm the very last person on the train to sit down next to if you're wearing fur, especially so much of it. My eyes bulged, my nostrils flared and my lips pressed themselves into a thin line of disgust. I didn't truly start fuming until I'd examined the coat to make sure it was real. Then, I stared at the woman, with the dirtiest look I could muster.

However, I couldn't bring myself to say anything. If it were just the two of us on that train, maybe it would have been different. But, it was crowded with people standing in the isles. I really dislike drawing attention to myself. I hate public embarassment. So, as angry as I was at this woman, I didn't open my mouth. But, I was upset with myself for not saying anything. "How could I," I wondered, "claim to be so anti-fur if I can't even speak up for this thing I believe in?" I started to hate myself for being such a chicken. So, I followed this woman off the train.

I walked up beside her, in the dark, and I told her that, if she had children, I hoped that they would die the same way that the animals used to make her coat did. She was visibly shocked. She didn't respond. I left. I hope that saying something to her will make her think twice about her choice of cruel fashion. I'm glad that I got over my fear and spoke out. But, I don't really feel any sense of relief or satisfaction from it. It's true that I hate fur and I really think it is a horrible crime to wear it, buy it, make it, etc. I honestly believe that it is wrong and I want to do what I can to stop it from happening. But, I didn't feel that yelling at this woman satisfied whatever I thought it was supposed to satisfy within me.

Maybe it takes practice. What I need is an anti-fur guru, who can guide me along the ways of the adamant.


Hell-a Cute

This little guy is a mink. Kinda looks like a ferret, donit? Well, it takes about 65 of them to make a coat. 65 adorable little lives, just to make a hedious jacket for some stuck-up bitch to prance around in. I think you know where I'm headed with this.


A Hell of A Thing

This is a Chinchilla. Cute, huh? I think he's friggin' adorable. People like to make coats out of these creatures. Sick bastards. Do you know how many of these furry little lives it takes to make ONE coat?! Oh, only about a hundred. So, if you like to wear fur, or you like to torture and slaughter these little guys, just to make a buck off of some vein socialite, I hope your innards boil. I hate you and if I see you, I will make my hatred apparent.

In case you can't tell, I'm on an anti-fur rampage. With the weather being cold and all, I see more and more people wearing fur coats and fur-trim. Fur trim is still fur people! I hate them and I want to hurt them and scream at them and ask them what gives them the right. I keep plenty warm without having some poor fuzzy things' blood on my hands. How can people be so callous and cruel and idiotic? For too long, the anti-fur campaign has tried to play to people and their heartstrings. But, it doesn't seem to be working. Not saying it should stop. No, keep going with that route, but we need something stronger to make people end the madness.