
Smoke This in Hell

That's it!
I quit!
Smoking, that is.
I decided on Tuesday morning that I would attempt to quit smoking yet again. This time my chosen method is "cold turkey". I tried the patch thing at the beginning of the year, but it made me swell up!

The sudden decision to cease the habit was born of two factors. Primarily, I was broke. It was either gas to get to work for the rest of the week or 1 pack of Camels. As it was, I barely made it to work today. Another contributing factor was that I was starting to feel sick. I realized how unhealthy I am, despite being vegetarian. I can't run very far, I drink excessively and smoke. So, I figured that I will work on one vice at a time.

Cold Turkey is going to be difficult, especially with everyone in my family smoking. I have learned how to lessen the maddening craving through various breathing exercises and yoga muscle control. Talking about it is making me jonze.

1 comment:

shenry said...

Good luck, sister. You need to have a talk with Silver. Lately she's been musing over quitting, but she has yet to take the plunge. Maybe if the two of you quit together it would be like having a micro-support group... I mean, do two people qualify a group or do you need three? I mean, group sex implies more than two people but a groupie is only one person... I dunno.