
Punching My Way Into Hell

I hope you're all enjoying my random brainwaves. It helps to have an input device away from a computer, but text messaging must be short and simple. Hopefully, that adds charm. If not, oh well. (and by the way - "he" turned out to be a roadie.)

In keeping with my strategy of only falling in love with characters and objects, I have a new object of affection. Over the weekend, some friends and I got together to do a little scrapbooking. I know what you're thinking, it seems like kind of a "stay-at-home mom" kind of hobby. However, while my cropping companions were deftly organizing photos of birthdays and easter egg hunts, I was pasting together a colorful montage of blurry concert photos. Having caught up with that scrapbook, next month's project will be my scrapbook about death. It doesn't go over very well with my friends when I spend the whole time mumbling about how much I detest children and Christmas. Hmf. But if they couldn't handle it, they wouldn't be my friends.

Back to topic here...my new love. The host of this month's cropping party also happens to be a rep for Creative Memories. She had a bunch of their products available for our use (subtle, but effective), one of which happened to be a set of paper punches in star shapes. Gasp! I lifted the device tentatively at first. Heavy. I examined it briefly to determine how it operates. Grasping a crisp sheet of mounting paper, I slid its edge into the slot of the device. When I was confident that the paper was well positioned, I pressed down firmly and swiftly on the five-pointed knob. There was a moment of hesitation. Then, I removed my sheet of paper. Okay, that's kind of nifty ~ a star shaped hole in my paper. For some reason though, that's not what got me juicy. I set down the perforated page and, like a kid watching a majic trick, I lifted the paper puncher. Underneath, perfect and delicate, was a brightly colored star. It shone up at me and my heart throbbed. Oh star-shaped paper puncher, how I love thee! You punch me and I see stars. You "click" and the world is a precious galaxy


shenry said...

scrap book of death... I love it. What about making a mix cd of songs that you want played at your funeral, too?

Neko Noir said...

Good idea Shen. That is, if I can figure out how to burn stuff on daddy's computer...