
The Nighttime, Sniffling, Sneezing, Coughing, Take it When You Feel Like Hell Medicine

With a chilling "Snnnooooccchhhkkk! Phoo!!" the mucus monster stirs finally from its humid and murky cave. For what seems like years, the beast has been hybernating; waking only to injest various elixers and liquid diet. Now I understand why the Creature from the Black Lagoon was so pissed off. It's hard breathing through a layer of mucus all the time - like a human swamp cooler. My head feels like a walnut. Just crack the fucker open already and get it over with. Ick.

I've been in bed all week, sleeping most of the time. I had horrible nightmares of not being able to breathe. I had soup after soup, glass after glass of OJ. And, no, I'm not better. I feel like someone's sitting on my chest all the time. Get off you bastard and let me breathe. I think half the reason I came in to work today was to show everyone how miserable I am. Just so they don't think I'm faking. And if I get lucky, they'll all get it too and come whining to me, "Is this what you had? God, it sucks. I feel so sorry for you." Hee hee.

Now I get to go home and crawl back into the murky cave, shrivel up and die for a while. No phone calls please. No I can't come out to play. I feel like I could fill the worlds oceans with my own mucus. Eeew...how can the human organism produce so much of the stuff?! I coughed up what looked like SpongeBob earlier today, except a little greener. I'm so delirious that I almost started talking to him. Not a good idea Neko. You must keep them thinking that you're normal. Not insane! Not insane! Not me. No, no, certainly not insane....

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