
A Fire In Hell

I just know I'm about to dis' someone's favorite band right about now. It's not intentional. Well, the dis' is intentional, but not because it's someone's favorite band. I imagine that every music enthusiast has at least one band that's their "guilty pleasure". It's that band that you'd be embarassed for the "cool kids" to know you listen to. It's that one singer you know is terrible, but it's catchy and you can't resist it for some reason. For Shenry, it's Dragonforce. (That's right buddy, I busted ya out online!) My brother hates Eminem because he's a juggalo now. But, back in the dizzay, he used to listen to Eminem all the time.

Me? Currently the band that fits into my "guilty pleasure" category is AFI. They're bad. Not bad in the Michael Jackson sense of the word...wait let me rephrase...Not bad in the ass sense of the word, bad in a moldy bread sort of way. The singer, Davey Havok is very femme, except when he's growling the lyrics. For some reason, he reminds me of Travis Barker. The lyrics are redikulous and nonsensical and remind me of cheerleader verses. The instrumental portion is only slightly more tolerable. Every song has some sort of obnoxiously repetitive guitar riff. Basically, AFI is lame. I foolishly spent the cost of their album December Underground because I liked the song Miss Murder on the radio. At first listen of the album, I smacked myself in the forehead, thinking, "Damn. I should have just downloaded this crap." It must have been the circle of bunnies on the cover that suckered me in. But, now that I have it downloaded onto my iPod, I like to give it a listen every now and then just for fun. There's something about it that started to grow on me after the first couple of listens. Maybe because it doesn't require much thought or investment to listen to. Once you stop trying to make sense out of the retarded lyrics, it can be fun to chant along to (as long as nobody else is listening). Sshh!


Rochelle said...

DUDE! Did you see this???

Neko Noir said...

Sweet! You can enter once a day too, not just once and that's it. (I'll have to remember to enter tomorrow too)

ghost said...

it was the opposite for me. the first time i listened to it, i was like hell yes. now i can only stand a couple of songs from it. like you, it was the bunnies that got me.

Neko Noir said...

crafty little buggers, aren't they?