
To JW, from Hell

Dear Jack,

Why is it that The White Stripes rock so damn hard? I recently picked up your new album, Icky Thump, and I must have listened to it thirty times since. I can’t get enough of it, from Conquest all the way to A Martyr for My Love, which is my favorite track. After having been a band for so long, I guess I expected The White Stripes to get stale eventually. I suppose that I am used to that from a lot of bands who keep putting out what are essentially the same songs year after year. I am also used to only finding about half of an album enjoyable, whereas I can listen to The White Stripes (any album) all the way through and love what I hear.

I met you briefly when you were in Denver with The Raconteurs. I was the girl standing next to the guy with the foot high mohawk. No, I don’t expect you to remember, especially since I was entirely too star-struck to say anything to you. All I could do was shake your hand and stammer. I’ve spent a lot of time hanging out by tour busses, trying to meet my favorite stars. But, I was so impressed by how friendly and appreciative you were to all of your fans standing outside that day. Sorry to say, but I thought whatshisname was a prick. That’s probably why I’m not as much of a Raconteurs fan.

Your show with Meg last year at Red Rocks was amazing! I really hope you stop by again soon for another show. Thanks for putting out yet another kick-ass album! Say “Hi” to Meg for me too.



1 comment:

ghost said...

i second that motion. i love the white stripes. ickey thump is a worthy follow up. ive never heard the first one, but ive got the four most recent and they are always close at hand.