
Hell Can Be Liberating

Yesterday was not a good day. Primarily, I was still angered and upset by the situation with Mr. Assface (formerly my bf). Secondly, my uterus decided to explode. Then, I ended up eating 2 dinners because Mom invited me to her place for some soup and Dad was expecting me home, so he made some soup. The soup was great, but someone with my expanding waistline does not need to eat 2 dinners. All I really wanted to do was crawl into bed with a heat pad and crash out.

Today, however, was a decent day. I found out that I got second place in a sugar skull decorating contest that I entered. Got the consolation prize. Not too shabby. I also realized how liberated I feel, now that Mr. Assface and I are "over". I was really feeling constricted in that relationship. All the critisism and controlling behavior! Whew! Now I'm free to listen to whatever the Hell I feel like listening to. I can hole up at home and create my ass off! I spent most of my afternoon on Etsy. It's so inspiring! There are so many creative ideas floating around that website.

So, tonight after I shower, I'm going to work on the super-soft semi-challenging dragon scarf I'm knitting for Mom. Then, maybe kick back and watch a movie (to review later). I even have some ideas of how to make nifty Christmas cards and earrings. The mind is abuzz with crafty juices at the moment. I feel so much better now!

The trick is remembering to keep myself in "the zone" and not bother with these pointless relationships anymore. There's so much to do and so many things to work on, I really don't have time for any lameness. And, there are plenty of social occasions coming up with my friends to enjoy. So, I can be single and not housebound! Ha!


ghost said...

theres going to be a certain amount of control in any relationship. there has to be and it has to go both ways. the trick is finding the righ amount and not feeling like hes got his thumb on you.

Neko Noir said...

ghost - rather than "control", I think it's compromise that's necessary. One person trying to control the other isn't a harmonious situation.

phx said...

Etsy is awesome. Can't wait to hear about and see what all your creative endeavours produce. I wish I could work up some creativity. I want to make little stuffed elephants. Sigh.

p.s. word verification was "peewavz". too funny. :)

Neko Noir said...

I would so love a little stuffed elephant.