Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts


Exquisite Visions of Hell

Holy Wow. I discovered the art of James Jean today and I have to say that I'm in awe. I so wish I could draw like that. It makes me want to die. Which, if you don't know me by now, is a good thing.


Hell's Window on Speed

Here's just a wee catch-up on the window display at work:

Like my new tattoo?


Where the Hell Did the Sun Go?

My window display is beginning to affect the weather outdoors. Or, maybe the other way around. On my way home from my little knitting circle (yes, I have a knitting circle, shut up.), the thunder started rolling and there was some spectacular lightening. I thought for sure that I was going to get trapped, jacketless as I was, in a downpour. But, I managed to make it all the way home without getting wet. Usually, I find these situations a little thrilling - or I used to anyway. Last night, however, I was freaking out. The hair on the back of my neck was standing up and I was suddenly and irrationally afraid that I would be struck by a thunderbolt. I was sure I felt doom creeping up on me.

uh oh, things are starting to look grim.,don't forget about the concerned birdies.

As you can see, there are only a few new clouds, but they look a little grim compared to the others.


A Cloudy Day in Helldontown

Another set of clouds has rolled in.

a second set of clouds roll in,the real outdoors, reflected

But they're still light and fluffy, so the birdies below don't seem too worried.
These pictures are of the backside of the whole window display. The opposite side of the clouds have some detail, but you're not missing much. This is the side I stare at all day, so it has to be somewhat entertaining. Partly, I'm just wondering if the people who walk past it day by day will notice what's going on. Also partly, I need something to amuse myself with.

Feeling a bit....mopey today. It's probably because I'm out of meds (again). Stupid.


Paper Cut-outs of Hell

Yes, I've been remiss in updating Little Tragedies. Sometimes, little tragedies and minor changes obscure the path to blogging. There was a death. There's a new job. General malaise. Much Gummi Popcorn updating. I like having that site as a form of expression, because it isn't so personal.

But, I have a big window in my new office. It looks right out into the hallway - whoopee. So, a while ago, I decorated it with little paper-chain birdies. They were just hanging out.

These birds are a paper chain

But then, I decided that the birdies needed some drama. See that cloud rolling in from the East?

a cloud rolls in from the East,the birds are wary of the drifting clouds

Oh. There's another one coming from the West...

first, came the birds,then, the clouds started rolling in

I wonder what will happen on this glorious landscape of glass. Stay tuned......


Soft, Cuddly and Straight from Hell

With all of my knitting groups, belly dancing class, gym workouts and general drunken stupor, I feel like I hardly accomplish anything. But, over the weekend, I sat down and made a Softie! Softies are basically stuffed animals/objects that are designed by indie artists and generally not for children (because of small parts or delicacy). The one I made is from the Softie kit I bought on Wednesday at Fancy Tiger.

I also found this lovely website this morning, called Softies Central. The Softies book is on this blog, at the top left. I'll try and post a pic of my Softie - which is a little cake - as soon as I sift through all the crap on my camera and suffer through the insufferable download process (or is that upload?) I think I could get into making these in a big way. I've got dozens of ideas floating around in the ol' noggin. The trouble is translating them into workable patterns.


Hell and the Crochet Hook

I've been knitting for a while now. Granted, I've only really done scarves and a few hats that looked like pillow cases. But, it's been several years since I started. I used to knit only in the winter months. Lately, I've been so into hand crafting that I may make it a year-round hobby.

Years and years (and years) ago, my grandmother, who is an expert with the crochet hook, tried to teach me the skill. I guess I was just too young to get too into it or maybe it's because my grandmother has always lived hundreds of miles from me. It's hard to learn things like that long distance. However, this past holiday, when I went to visit, I demanded that she give me another chance to learn to crochet. This time, perhaps because I have experience with yarn now, I took to it like a fish to water.

Presenting my newest foray into crochet:

In case it's hard to tell from the pictures, it's a scarf! (yes, another scarf) I made the pompoms myself too! I like to call it 'cranberry ice' because of the colors. I really love the nice cranberry red color I found. The only problem I enountered was that I had to switch between colors quite often. So, instead of cutting the old yarn and making a knot to join it to the new color, I tried carrying the colors up the side of the scarf. The problem with that is, if you can tell from one of the pictures, it made little loops along one edge. It looks okay, but I imagine that there might be a problem with those loops catching on things once I try to wear it. I need to consult an experienced crochet person for help with that in the future.

While knitting will always be my first love, I enjoy picking up a new skill whenever possible. Crochet seems sort of angry compared to knitting. I can imagine myself steaming mad and crocheting miles of material while I tell someone off, or vent. I need to relax while I knit. However, I picked up a book of delicate lacey crochet patterns while I was in Cali and those seem to require much more concentration. If I ever figure out the friggin' lace doiley I'm making, I'll post up a pic of that too.

P.S. If you put your mouse over one of the pictures in my slideshow above, the picture will expand so you can get a better look!


The First Project from Hell

(...did you know that an almond fig cake tastes great paired with some Stilton blue cheese?....hell's yea)

Last night I finally got around to uploading all of the pictures from my digicam onto the computer. There were over 250 of them! The main motivation behind that dreadful task was to get pics of all my little projects of late and post them here like I promised. I didn't get pictures of everything, unfortunately. I remember barely finishing sealing up the package for my aunt before exclaiming, "Shit, I didn't take a damn picture of it." I was so pissed because I'd been reminding myself for something like 3 days in a row. I worked on that damned gingerbread house tissue box cover for a while. I thought it would be such a clever and fun little project, but it was a bitch. By the time I was done, I hated it. So, maybe it's best that I don't have evidence of its existence. Besides, "gingerbread-house-tissue-box-cover" doesn't sound that great of a gift all of a sudden.

So, I decided that I'll post each project in seperate posts because it would be far too long to read if I did them all at once. The first one will be the dragon scarf I knitted for mother. But, right now I have to look busy.


Delighted Friday In Hell

I've been so super into fabrics and yarns lately, just from cruising 'round Etsy and learning about people's spinning needles and clever animals and scraps of this and that. I find more and more girls I wish I could hang out with, or be like, or talk to. Sigh. Here's one of them. I would just love to create and stitch and glue and knit all day long.

I'm hanging out tomorrow with my little scrapbooking circle. At least that will give me a little fix of creative community. While I love my friends in Bennet to death, they have these lives that are so different from mine. They have kids, which is the main difference. So, that means that they necessarily have to be concerned primarily with family. It's understandable, but I can't really empathize as I have no children, nor want any in the future. I just can't relate. Plus, they don't just sit around and craft all day and get all giddy at the fabric store like I do. The feel of a moorhouse farm melt-in-your-hands wool yarn doesn't make them smile and sigh.

They do have just about any scrapbook supply, between them all, that your little heart could hope for. That's cool. They're fun to drink with and smart to talk to and I always want to hug my friend Roach. She must think I'm weird. Or a lesbian. I'd love to just cuddle with her though - not in a sexual way. I'd never go for any of my friends that way. Sure, they're all adorable, but it would just be too weird. They're all married too, as if that would stop me. Anyway, this just turned into a weird post...I'm creeping myself out now.

I'm working late tonight. Which means that I'm sitting here in a perfectly silent office because everyone's gone home. I'm not really doing any "work" per se, I just have to be in the office for my allotted timespan. Theoretically, if anyone were here and they asked me to do something, I'd have to do it. Make copies or something. I wish they'd let me knit at my desk!!!!! Maybe next time I stay late, I'll sneak out the needles and twiddle some yarn...on the sly...


Hell Can Be Liberating

Yesterday was not a good day. Primarily, I was still angered and upset by the situation with Mr. Assface (formerly my bf). Secondly, my uterus decided to explode. Then, I ended up eating 2 dinners because Mom invited me to her place for some soup and Dad was expecting me home, so he made some soup. The soup was great, but someone with my expanding waistline does not need to eat 2 dinners. All I really wanted to do was crawl into bed with a heat pad and crash out.

Today, however, was a decent day. I found out that I got second place in a sugar skull decorating contest that I entered. Got the consolation prize. Not too shabby. I also realized how liberated I feel, now that Mr. Assface and I are "over". I was really feeling constricted in that relationship. All the critisism and controlling behavior! Whew! Now I'm free to listen to whatever the Hell I feel like listening to. I can hole up at home and create my ass off! I spent most of my afternoon on Etsy. It's so inspiring! There are so many creative ideas floating around that website.

So, tonight after I shower, I'm going to work on the super-soft semi-challenging dragon scarf I'm knitting for Mom. Then, maybe kick back and watch a movie (to review later). I even have some ideas of how to make nifty Christmas cards and earrings. The mind is abuzz with crafty juices at the moment. I feel so much better now!

The trick is remembering to keep myself in "the zone" and not bother with these pointless relationships anymore. There's so much to do and so many things to work on, I really don't have time for any lameness. And, there are plenty of social occasions coming up with my friends to enjoy. So, I can be single and not housebound! Ha!


Tenugui In Hell

Holy Flying Crapsicle, people.
This is getting rediculous. Is there an end to all the cute Japanese stuff for me to crave?!


Amigurumi In Hell

Holy Christmas Crap!!! I just discovered Amigurumi. I think this is the start of a long and beautiful friendship. Turns out that this is what those White Stripes and Zombie figures I spilled about earlier are. Just what I need; another hobby.


What's Fat and Orange and Grows In Hell?

(Okay, so who knows if pumpkins really grow in Hell. I just had to include that somewhere in the title.)

It's fall here in this city and the weather has turned, along with the leaves. It's true that I hate the cold weather, but I'd forgotten just how nice the season can be. The air gets a little chilly - enough to pull out the heavier sweaters and long pants. But, it's not winter jacket weather yet. Fall also marks the approach of my all-time favorite holiday. Halloween!!!

One of my top favorite things about Autumn is pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin carving, pumpkin scented candles, and the ever-so-irresistable Starbucks pumpkin spice latte. I have a powerful urge to run to the store and find ingredients to bake something pumpkiney with. Maybe something with raisins and molasses. Mmmm. Cloves, nutmeg...

Autumn is also time to break out the knitting needles. I'm most of the way through an orange, yellow and brown scarf for the bf. Mom put in her request and I'm making her a dragon scarf next. The kit just came in the mail over the weekend and I was purusing the instructions over dinner tonight. I can't really figure out how all the pieces join up, but I'm sure I'll get it once I start working. After that, I've got a hat for the bf that I need to make. Forget all the Xmas gifts I need to start on. Sometimes I wish I could just quit my job and make things all day long. As independent as I am, and as much as I champion the women's rights cause, I can't help but think it would be nice to have a guy pay all the bills while I stay home and do my thing.

Oh shit....I forgot to pick up my damn meds again! Looks like I'll have to cut this short.


Hell is 451 Degrees

I love books. I just went and spent $50 that I don't have at Barnes & Noble. I can't help it; it's like an addiction. Maybe if it took longer than 10 minutes to walk to a bookstore, I could restrain myself. However, there are 3 bookstores I can walk to on my lunch hour. My mother tells me, "I'm going to pay off your fine at the library, so you can quit spending all your money at B&N." I tell her that I don't want to borrow books, I want to own them - I want my own library. To begin with, library books have been handled by who knows how many who-knows-whos. Ick! I don't know where those books have been! Secondly, the kind of books I buy are almost always off the wall reference books (The Encyclopedia of Guilty Pleasures) or neat-o craft how-to books (Heart Felt). So, it isn't like I'll give the book a once over and be done with it. They're the kinds of lovely volumes that can be reached for again and again and may produce useful crafts (if I ever get around to it). So, throw the library idea out the window.

Here's what I walked away with today:

The Crafter's Companion: tips, tales and patterns from a community of creative minds

Wreck This Journal by Keri Smith

Craft Inc.: Turn your creative hobby into a business by Meg Mateo Ilasco

I just want to hole up somewhere and create things. I spend too much time at the BF's house, not doing much but getting drunk and watching movies. I want to breathe new life, dammit!!


Wallowing in Hell

The man of my dreams just got married. Not only did he get married - he got married in my town and just after I saw him last. I'm devastated. It's like a kick in the stomach and then a knee to the grill on the way down. Ouch. So, I'm spending money I don't have in bars I visit alone. Life sucks ass. Whenever I was down, all through the divorce and my brother's death, I would look to him and think how happy I'd be if we were together. But now, I just don't know where to turn.

But instead of rambling even more about my heartache, I decided to finally post some pics of that painting I did. I wonder if I could get anything for it if I tried to sell it. I'm always so attached to my paintings though. Don't know if I could let them go. I'd feel like a whore in some regard.


This is the first preliminary work. Instead of sketching it out on paper first, I just grabbed a brush and went to town. It's too bad I can't have these inspired moments more of the time.

Here, all of the outline work is done and I'm ready to add some color. I did the outline in brown this time, instead of my usual black.

I'm starting to add the first hair color here. As you can see, I decided she should be a redhead.

The second hair color. I'm doing it in sections, as you can see. No rhyme or reason here, just spontanious.

The hair is done here I think.

I've started to add color elsewhere. I still don't think I had an idea of what I was doing, but I love the combination of orange and green.

At this point, I'd decided that things needed to be a bit more sinister and so I added a dark backgroud. I think this is when she became a zombie girl in my mind.

I had some extra paint and couldn't bear to let it dry, so I painted over the edges of the canvas on three sides.

Since zombie girl is part of my "chicks with crows" series, I needed to add an element of my favorite corvus somewhere. So, up in the corner is a feather, in negative.

At this point, I've filled in some more of the details and added some light blue shading to bring out the white on her collar and eye.

This is the final picture. I put in some blue veins on her neck and face to show that the poor girl contracted a virus of some kind, turning her into a flesh-craving undead creature.