
Hell's House of Reptiles

Ever drink Sobe? Flavors I once found refreshing, recently make me nauseas. The one flavor I currently still enjoy is Cranberry pomegranate. So, the other day, I pop open my customary bottle and flip the lid to see what quip the Sobe company has in store for me. Under the filmy plastic seal, the words, "Bathe the Stiffmeister" are emblazoned.

Bathe the Stiffmeister? I'm not a hundred percent certain of what "the Stiffmeister" is, but I have a pretty damn good idea. If I had a stiffmeister, I would hope that no reminder to bathe it would be necessary, especially from the lid of a juice bottle. In fact, I'd probably be spending a great deal of my time "bathing the stiffmeister".

Another word for "stiffmeister" might be "lizard". Is it a coincidence that a lizard happens to be the mascot of Sobe? Does the lizard need to wash his "stiffmeister"? If the Sobe lizard is the creature responsible for these liquid refreshments, he had better damn well wash something.

Then there's the fact that the juice bottle itself is gently reminiscent of what a "stiffmeister" might be shaped like. If I'm going to wrap my lips around and drink from the stiffmeister, it should be a clean stiffmeister. It sure tastes good for stiffmeister juice. Hmm.

What exactly is Sobe trying to suggest? Is this something appropriate? Should I be bathing my stiffmeister, or someone else's? And why does the lizard think that the stiffmeister needs it in the first place?

1 comment:

shenry said...

Since you're talking about the insinuative nature of marketing, I've got another one for you. What about those "Got Milk" adds? Women and men with white liquid on their upper lips... gotta be wink at oral gratification.