
Little Orange Fuckers From Hell

My favorite holiday is rolling around again. Have you guessed it? Halloween, of course! Christmas can go fuck itself - Halloween is where it's at. By now, you've probably noticed that a few scary movies have popped into the theaters, and the candy isle at SuperMart is all orange and black. I was noticing it too, the last time I was picking up Gatoraide and shampoo. Even though I've almost completely lost my taste for sweets, there is one candy that possesses me every year. "Mallowcreme Pumpkins". They're those pumpkin shaped things that are made out of candy corn stuff. Mmmm!

I make myself sick on them every season. The other day, (when I was buying Gatoraide and shampoo) I bought a "big" bag of them. Gone. Now, I'm craving them like mad. I must have eaten the entire bag in about two days. By the first of November, I'll be completely sick of them for another year. They don't go very well with beer, especially the cheap beer I steal from my dad. But, I haven't wanted to eat anything else since I bought that bag.

Some people gorge themselves at Thanksgiving dinner. Not a big holiday for vegetarians. Some people pig out on fruit cake. Okay, well I suppose that's not true. Some people look forward to the big, juicy ham on Christmas day. Uh, that's just gross. Some people delight in candy eggs and marshmallow chicks. Not me. Those little orange balls of sugar have me hooked. So, if you pass me in the street, and my tongue is bright orange, you know why. Mmmm..

1 comment:

shenry said...

Not that asked, but my fav holiday is Thanksgiving. It's all about food and having fun. There are no fucking presents to stress anybody out. Of course, I spend Thanksgiving and Father's Day at my dad's hermitage... maybe that's why I dig those holidays.