
What's Red and Blue and Speeds Like Hell?

I've just posted my first review on Neko Goes To The Movies. I've done a little mucking about with the template, but I'm not finished by any means. As it stands, it's functional and fairly appealing visually.

In other news, I GOT A JOB!!!!!! I start next Monday. While I'm not looking forward to waking up early and losing valuable video game time, it will be nice to feel like a productive member of society again. It pays much better than my last real job too. Finally, I can start thinking about an apartment and a new car! Hoorah!! And, I'll be in a cushy government position (thanks Shenry) which strikes me as slightly more stable than a corporate one. This time, I'm definately opening a savings account so I don't have to face months of mooching again. Hoorah!!


Krista said...

Congrats on the cushy job!

Neko Noir said...

Thanks! It's going well so far.