
Where the Hell Did All This Rain Come From?

I'm back home again. I blogged on MySpace about my weekend, so I won't bother repeating myself here. One thing I did forget to mention on that site was that I went to the Cherry Creek Arts Festival. My Dad and I have sort of an annual tradition of going, but it's getting to be the same year after year. So, it went perfectly with the rest of my bland weekend.

I'm really jazzed up about the Nintendo scene lately. I got back into playing Paper Mario and spent about 5 hours on it tonight. The new one is coming out soon. There's an article on it in the latest issue of Nintendo Power, which I subscribed rather grudgingly as part of my membership at the local game store. So, my goal is to beat the one I have so as to justify purchasing the new one. Spike also owns a GameCube and he was showing me some of his collection. He let me borrow Luigi's Mansion and a Wario game. The other GameCube title I was into, prior to my PSP mania, is Mario Party 7. See a pattern? It seems that the only games I really like for the system are games based in the Mario world. That's where the Nintendo company has me, you see. Obviously, any game that features Mario or any of his ilk will only be released on Nintendo systems.

I hear that the best RPGs are on Playstation. That means I'll have to get one of those too. At least Playstations these days play movies. I hear tell that the new system is going to be prohibitively expensive. Sigh. I'll just have to land a really sweet job and hook myself up.

In other news, I haven't been doing so well on my recent resolutions. But, I figure I'll let myself off the hook, what with it being a "holiday" and all. I did put forth some minimal effort though, so *shrug*.

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