
Hell Boy, That'll Learn Ya!

Here is a word that needs to be in the vocabulary of every man:

re·cip·ro·cate [ ri sípprə kàyt ] (past and past participle re·cip·ro·cat·ed, present participle re·cip·ro·cat·ing, 3rd person present singular re·cip·ro·cates)



1. transitive and intransitive verb give mutually: to give or feel something mutually or in return
I couldn't accept such a generous gift without reciprocating.

Once you learn it, please pass it on to the guy I'm dating. I made him a birthday card, chock full of naughty pics of myself, all wrapped up in a black lace ribbon....
He sent me a text saying that it was "nice". So, does that mean he liked them, or not? I was lucky to get a text at all.

Sheesh...why do I bother?


ghost said...

gonna teach my son to be reciprical.

Neko Noir said...

Good boy.