
Another Good Man Goes to Hell

I know it's been a while since I posted. But, it's been hard times lately. My brother, who was only 17, was killed in a car crash on the 11th. I really loved him and it's really difficult to let him go. Sure, I bitched about him all the time, but that's because I loved him and I didn't want him to be a fuck up like my ex. Well, my ex can never hurt him now. He's free.

The funeral, the arrangements...the police reports, the newpaper....it's all so much to deal with at once. I'd be doing much better if everyone didn't keep fucking reminding me that my brother is dead. I don't want to hear it anymore. I don't want to hear, "I'm so sorry" again. Sure, I appreciate all the sympathy and condolences and everyone means well, but, just shut up for a moment. Let me breathe.


ghost said...

damn. prayers.

shenry said...

The words you spoke at the memorial service were heartfelt and perfect for your bro.