
Meet Me In Hell

Remember my post about needing a breathalizer on my home computer?
Well, my latest kick is getting wasted and answering personal ads online. What a retard I am. I answer all kinds: men seeking women, women seeing women, "no strings attached", the list goes on. I even puruse the "missed connections" section in hopes that somehow there will be something in there for me.

Tonight I'm going to meet someone. His name is Tom. We are meeting at Earl's restaurant in the Park Meadows Mall. He says he lives about 7 minutes away from that location. He also said that he drives a convertable, but I don't intend to get into it. So, here's the deal. I'm going to post his license plate (given the opportunity) to Neko A Go Go via my cell phone tonight. If I don't post later, saying that I'm okay, then there's something up and I've been abducted, killed, whatever. In other words, "not okay". I don't have any reason to believe that there will be a problem, I'm just covering my ass, just in case. If, by noon tomorrow, I'm nowhere to be found (not at work, not answering my phone) then check the mobile blog. If there's nothing on mobile blog - worry!


ghost said...

dangerous, chica.

Neko Noir said...

Not really more so that hooking up with a random guy at the bar. At least last night I was sober.