Agh. I've got to get my head straight. There's so much clutter and garbage blocking my flow of chi, or whatever. There are so many ideas that I'm ultra excited about, but it's like I'm running in several different directions at once. If the voices in my head would just get in line and take turns yammering at me instead of all clamboring at once for my attention, it would help. Effing voices. Christ, can you believe this is me
without the methamphetamines?!
I have returned from my trip to NY; the second trip this year. The weather was remarkably fair compared to what it could have been. The worst we got was a bit of rainy drizzle. Much better than the weather that burried everything in snow at home. Once again, I was a bit disappointed with my city experience. I am always thinking it's going to be like the once time I went and had loads of fun. But, it's getting to be more and more of a letdown each time. I blame that on lack of planning on my part and tragic lack of companionship, but not on the city itself. I met my cousin's roommate, who was impressive and just a tad bit charming. Why aren't there guys in
this state like that? Why do all the men in my hometown suck? Fuck this place.
My family is another story entirely. They're so great to be around for about three days and then it's just fucking irritating. Everyone's always griping at each other, just like my fucking childhood. Uh. Holidays bite hard.
So, here's basically what I did in New York:
went to a NY Islanders game (that's hockey)
went to a comedy club
learned how to crochet
finally went to MoCCA
had 2 knishes to make up for not having one last time
went to a friends-of-the-family party
chatted with (i.e. endured) my remaining kin
rode the subway by myself
went to Brooklyn
got a bunch of cool presents
had some good Italian food
experienced the Heaven-on-Earth of a real Italian pastry shop
went to the beach to hunt shells
During the first half of the trip, you couldn't wrestle the camera out of my hands. The second half, I was so jaded by everything that I took no pictures at all. And my cousin? Well, I only got to see him for about one extremely depressing hour. There may be pictures forthcoming, but I can't promise anything.
So, I'm still getting into the swing of the new year and being back at home and work. I missed my kitties terribly though and I'm happy to have their furry faces to stroke again. But, like I said, there's so much I want to get into, but can't seem to decide on anything. It would be perfect if I was quadruplets.