
Where the Hell Did the Sun Go?

My window display is beginning to affect the weather outdoors. Or, maybe the other way around. On my way home from my little knitting circle (yes, I have a knitting circle, shut up.), the thunder started rolling and there was some spectacular lightening. I thought for sure that I was going to get trapped, jacketless as I was, in a downpour. But, I managed to make it all the way home without getting wet. Usually, I find these situations a little thrilling - or I used to anyway. Last night, however, I was freaking out. The hair on the back of my neck was standing up and I was suddenly and irrationally afraid that I would be struck by a thunderbolt. I was sure I felt doom creeping up on me.

uh oh, things are starting to look grim.,don't forget about the concerned birdies.

As you can see, there are only a few new clouds, but they look a little grim compared to the others.


Immortal Woman said...

You need a tin foil lightening bolt.

phx said...

hey, i StumbledUpon this blog-- and this post in particular I thought might interest you, since you write movie reviews and are into horror movies and all. :)


ghost said...

a sad dark day, niko.

Neko Noir said...

phx - fill it with zombies and set it on fire!! You know me so well.

phx said...


your movie reviews are really good, I think. :) i'd be curious to see what kind of horror screenplay you'd write. :)

Neko Noir said...

phx - oh man, don't tempt me!! :D