
Pictures From the Pit of Hell

Ugh. Have I always been this hateful? Every morning, I despise everyone I see to the point that my stomach churns. Waking up every day has gotten to be like the pain of birth - from the child's perspective, not the mother's. Have you ever stopped to think what a traumatic experience being born must have been? And yet, none of us remembers it. Maybe we're all blocking it out. Fucking torture anyway.

So, yesterday I went to get a salad and had a detestable experience waiting in line. I've got to figure out how I can live my life with the most minimal contact with other humans as possible. On the other hand, maybe it's just this city or just this country that sucks. I still hold out hope for the rest of the world. America is going to crash and burn and we all deserve it. Oh, wait...there was a point....yeah, the purse. I managed to snap, at the end of my long wait in line, a shot of another hideous handbag It isn't loaded with shiny buckles and formed out of animal skin, but it's gross nonetheless. Behold, in all it's horror:

Salad Bag

And did I tell you about the guy on the bus a couple of weeks ago? Oh man. It was all I could do not to laugh hysterically. Let this be a lesson to everyone out there to embrace their true body size and shop accordingly (or at least dress accordingly):

Crotch Split Closeup

Did you pee just a little? I did. Freakin' hilarious! I feel a little better now.


Immortal Woman said...

Okay, I almost did pee a little. I would not have blown a vein trying not to actually laugh really loud and point. I hope this guy got pants for xmas!!

Happy New Year!

Immortal Woman said...

I have been off my meds for 4 days now, first I was all manic and flipping awesome, now -- not so much. Sorry to ramble, I am not sure anyone would understand.

ghost said...

i did not pee but i did chuckle heartily.

Neko Noir said...

Hi IW -
Yeah, I know how you feel. Effing meds. Sometimes I think I feel better when I'm not taking them...and then I stop taking them and I feel like crap.

Immortal Woman said...

I think I am fine on them, I can't see they are making things better, and I think it best to stop - then after a few days of being slightly 'off' i don't know why I was on them, until I feel myself ...sinking. I am better with, I know that - I just hate that I have to have them. I have never really told anyone this. Thanks for listening.