
The Scent of Brimstone in Hell

How in tune is your sense of smell? I’d say mine is acute. Heat up a meal and, without looking, I can tell you what the ingredients are. Sniff….that’s rice…and sniff…that must be garlic…a little tomato….cilantro…I can only smell it if it’s warm.

This morning at the train station, it smelled like rain. I tried to tell if it was the smell of rain already fallen or rain to come. I like the smell of rain. When I left the train downtown the smell was dog food. Gross. It was heavy and permeating. Gag.

Ever wonder where the weird smells out there are coming from? Sometimes it’s obvious, like the smell of cooked pork wafting from the rib joint down the block. There’s a sub shop called Jimmy John’s on the street. They always smell like bread. I’d enjoy the smell, except that I think it’s artificial. I have a suspicion that it’s manufactured and pumped out through some unseen air duct. It’s not natural anyway.

But the dog food? Where the Hell did that come from? And so much of it too. There’s a Purina plant near the highway, but that must be 30 miles away at least. I’m going to mapquest and see if I can find out exactly how far. Then, maybe I’ll hit the Weather Channel and find out which way the wind was blowing. Could it have been wafting from the plant, or did someone just dump a huge load of dog food somewhere?


ghost said...

sometimes my class smells like decaying cardboard and hot glue. okay so its most of the time. i likes what i likes.

Neko Noir said...

That doesn't sound bad. It's like woodchips or something. I like the way paper smells when it comes off the copier. Mmmm...toner....