
Baaaaaaaaah Hell!

When Neko wears high heels, she feels like a mountain goat, click-clacking around on black, pointy hooves. She would feel like a sexy mountain goat if she were a little more coordinated and not in so much pain. Neko is a lame and unsexy mountain goat. She should have worn stockings this morning so her feet wouldn't rub their skin off on the new faux-leather. However, she hasn't done laundry in forever and her office has lost it's appreciation of her fancy sock collection. Neko doesn't own "panty hose". Mountain goats don't wear panty hose anyway.

Neko has a theory that her method of blogging about herself in the third person is a way for her to distance herself from her emotions. Neko would pay herself for therapy if she wasn't so fucking crazy. She contstantly argues and reasons with herself in her head, even about little insignificant things that don't matter to anyone but her. It's just a way she tortures herself, unintentional as it may be. Neko is looney-tunes.


ghost said...

ghost will play along. this makes ghost think of neko as some sort of superstar who has grown too sexy for this world or a first person narrative. he likes it, but not the song that invariably plays in his memory.

Rochelle said...

I totally heart crazy ass Neko!

Neko Noir said...

'some sort of superstar who has grown too sexy for this world' Oh ghost, you do flatter neko so.

rochelle is effing awesome.

Neko Noir said...

yes, indeed silver. see people, i'm not the only one who knows!

shenry said...

Boys are smarter than girls. I've heard that the female brain is the size of a squirrel's.

Rochelle said...

Yeah, well, I've heard the more wrinkles a brain has the smarter you are and the more wrinkles a brain has the smaller it is, so that would make girls super smart! So, girls = smarter than boys!

Neko Noir said...
