
Breeders Can Go To Hell (scroll down five)

Thirdly, but not lastly, is the most viable, in my opinion, of solutions. It combines some of the first method, only in that it involves government regulation. Citizens of every country should be issued a license in order to bear little ones. In order to qualify, a couple or individual, would have to meet certain qualifications to get their parenting license. To avoid public outrage, it would be as fairly negotiated as possible. You would have to meet employment criteria. Income bracket specifications would incite objections that only the rich might flourish. Using employment as a gage, the prospective matriarch and patriarch must bring in the average minimum, alone or seperately, that it takes to provide for their young. Done with welfare! Have you noticed that the couples with the lowest income tend to have the most kids? Doesn't seem in balance to me. There would be a background check involved as well. No man or woman who has been convicted of child abuse or molestation would be allowed to bear young.

There are more, drastically radical ideas floating around in my booze-addled mind that are probably best not shared with the public at large. They aren't viable anyway and would involve my incarceration for a very long, long time. Not desireable, compared to the alternatives.

And it is with that series of posts that I leave you. I leave you to ponder the issues of overpopulation and five-o-clock traffic.


shenry said...

Having children is more of a responsibility than driving a car, owning a gun, mortgaging a house, and filing taxes, yet all of these examples require paperwork, testing, credit checks, and/or background checks. I like your idea because it would take effort and an actual yearning for children to have children. Think of all the unplanned, ill-planned, and unwanted children that would never be.

Did you ever read Freakonomics? The authors claim (quite convincingly) that the current downturn in violent crimes in the U.S. is a direct result of Roe v. Wade. Seriously, once abortion was legalized less and less unwanted children were born. Typically, violent crimes are committed by unwanted children, and/or children of unfit parents. Now that a decent portion of would-be criminals are aborted before birth, the world is a safer place.

Neko Noir said...

Finally! Someone with a supportive arguement in my favor! I knew I could count on you, Shenry. I'll have to put that book on my reading list. Fucking Breeders!