
Saved By the Hell

There's a device I've heard of. It's something they install in vehicles whos owners have been busted for DUI. I've never seen one, but the concept as I understand it is that one must blow into the device before they're able to start their car and the device determines whether or not said owner is sober enough to be behind the wheel. Well, I need one of those installed on my computer. I wouldn't be able to go online without passing the breathalizer test.

I got home from book club last night. I shouldn't have driven anywhere. Whatever it was that posessed me to come home and continue drinking, after the bottle of wine I was encouraged to finish off, I will never know. So, I got behind a mouse and started driving again. I vaguely remember posting to little tragedies and I woke up this morning, horrified! I ran to the computer, fought with it until I was able to log on, and was relieved to find that the drunken spew was all gone. In my stupor, had I forgotten to hit "publish post"? Is there some blog god that determined I should be spared the embarassment of sharing those thoughts with the world wide web? Whatever it was, I don't see that post anymore and I'm grateful. I remember the topic of the mysterious post. It's not something I should be sharing with anyone. It's one of those thoughts that should only be shared with battery-operated devices in the privacy of ones own home.

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