
MSN Can Go To Hell

My mouth, rendered sensitive by the "bold n spicy" bloody mary on the desk to my left, is barely able to cope with the katsup saturated, fresh out the oven, tater tots I'm trying to injest. My eyes, rendered blurry by the amount of alcohol in my bloodstream, are barely able to decifer the letters my fingers bring to life. My brain, overheated by my fustration, is barely able to cope with the fact that the eloquent post I was so proud of has disappeared. That's what you get when you combine a dial-up connection with a desperately un-de-fragged hard drive.

So, I shall attempt, to the best of my ability, to reconstruct my thoughts that were so arrogantly deleted by the god of users. I'll post, this time, in short bursts, as an attempt to foil the combination of hurdles in my way. (scroll up)

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