

The cat situation is finally handled. Jiji came home on Friday with a bunch of meds, a bandage, and a $2,500.00 invoice. Jesus Fucking Christ. I had no idea that it could be so outrageously expensive to have pets. Initially, I was freaking the fuck out because the full amount of the vet bill is due upon release of kitty kitty. I thought I was going to have to start mugging people at the light rail station for the dough. However, my Dad came to the rescue and applied for the kitty credit card which allows you to pay off the vet immediately without dropping the entire sum in one go. So, I will be able to make payments to my father in a gradual way instead of having to prostitute myself.

I'm very happy that Jiji came through. There was some concern for a bit that he wouldn't make it. I wasn't sure that I'd see him again. Since I've had my furry companion for about 10 years, I've grown very attached to him. So, it would have killed me to have to put him to sleep. Glad I didn't have to make that choice. However, chasing him down twice a day to shove meds down his throat isn't much fun (for either of us). Keeping him confined to my bedroom (to make sure he pees) isn't great either, especially after Toby's quarantine. Why are all my cats getting sick??

Things could have turned out much worse than they did. I may have had to fork over a grip of cheddar and lost my best friend in the process. But, neither happened and I feel like I got away by the seat of my pants. If this wasn't a wake-up call, I don't know what is. It all comes down to money. Money, money, money. It's what makes the world go 'round (if you think it's love, get your head out of your ass). I've got to completely stop spending and also find myself a second job. That's the only way I'm going to move on from here.

In other depressing news, I haven't heard a peep from any of my friends since my Halloween party on the 4th. I must have been much more out of control than normal. I must have single handedly offended every single one of them. It's possible. I can do some stupid shit when I'm that drunk. I would have thought that maybe I was overreacting. However, I haven't heard from a single solitary person, so I figure that since nobody has contacted me, they must have all made a secret pact to avoid me and my embarassing behavior for good. That's okay, I guess, provided that I deserve it. I haven't felt much like talking to anyone either. Not because of anyone else. Just that I've been really stressed and depressed and can't bring myself to be social. I'm also a little embarassed with myself. Oh well, que sera sera.


Random said...

pfft... i'm not avoiding you! i'm about waist deep in a stupid story that i'm trying to write by the end of november, though. no one has heard a peep out of me, except on blogs. (and i did comment since then, i swear!)

i'm glad to hear that jiji pulled through, but i'm sorry that it cost so damn much money. vets are as expensive as human doctors sometimes. :(

Neko Noir said...

I know, right? I was planning on being "the cat lady" until I realized how much it would cost me in vet bills.

shenry said...

Yeah for cat. Boo for $2,500.

And to set the record straight, I have emailed you and I left you a voice message since your Halloween party. Just saying I want some credit for that shit.

Neko Noir said...

Nu-uh! I got your vm, but what email? I'll consider your comment as compensation.

shenry said...

Dude, I emailed you the group photo of halloween night, 'member?