
Hellish Monday

My depression has given way to a mid-high level of anxiety. I am supressing a seemingly constant onslaught of panic attacks. I'm sweaty. I feel ill. It's not to the point at which I'm tearing my hair out, but I can see that happening in the near future. The cause, to this moment, is unknown. I have my suspicions that it is a stress issue. I should have kept up with my meds better this past week. I'm on them now, but I've been spotty on the upkeep lately.

I imagine the stress to be brought on by two things: money and lack of suitable living situation. It's almost Christmas. I'm freaking out.

How long before I lose it completely, I wonder. How long before I have a complete mental breakdown and have to be hospitalized? It doesn't seem far off now. Oh god, I feel sick.


Random said...

i wish i could help you out with the living conditions, but i doubt that crashing with one girl, one guy, and two bebes would be much better than crashing with your dad and brother. :/

fuck christmas in its ear. let's all just pretend like it doesn't happen this year. we'll get together and pig out on yule, then ignore the rest of december. sound good?

i hope you feel better soon.

shenry said...

You'll be moving out of your dad's in no time. Seriously, February at the latest, sooner if you really apply yourself.