
Into the Darkness of Hell

I have finally realized the one singular word that describes me best: dark.

I am physically dark.
My eyes and hair are dark. My complexion is dark (that's Italian dark, not African dark) My lungs are almost certainly black. The circles around my eyes are dark. I am always wearing a black garment of some form or another, if not dressed completely in black. The only makeup I wear is either red or black. I don't buy any clothes unless they're black or grey or have skulls or something.

I am psychologically dark.
My mood is usually dark. My sense of humor is dark. I like to lurk in shadowy places. My favorite color is black. My past is truly dark. My future almost certainly will be dark. My thoughts are regularly grim.

My interests are dark.
My favorite band is My Chemical Romance. I like art that blends the adorable with the gruesome. I enjoy walking around in cemetaries. I'd love to drive a Herse. My favorite movies are horror films and quirky french tales and Tim Burton. I have a black cat. I am have a preoccupation with haunted places and serial killers.

Yes, "dark" is indeed the word that describes me best. What's your word?


Random said...

it used to be random... now, though, i'm not so sure. i will have to think on it.

this and the last were awesome posts.

shenry said...

I can see "dark."

For me: "subjectivity." It defines the world I live in and therefore it defines me.

ghost said...

spartan is the word that most defines me.

Neko Noir said...

ghost - do you mean "spartan" as in from Sparta, or as in frugal and plain, or marked by strong character?

ghost said...

marked by strong character.