
Six Subtle Traces of Hell

I wanna play too!! (tagged by my mom, via Shenry)

Six random things about Neko that you probably didn't know:

1. I've always wanted to know how to dance well.

2. I have dreams that I'm helping Japanese tourists find their way around.

3. When I was a kid, I used to have a cluster of gnarly warts on my big toe. I still cover that toe when I stand barefoot.

4. I don't ride bicycles because someone once called me the Wicked Witch of the West while I was on one.

5. All but one of the scars on my body are self-inflicted.

6. I think it would be fun to have a penis just for one day.


ghost said...

and what caused that lone scar?

Neko Noir said...

My ex-husband.

ghost said...

i did not know you had been married. what happened? or tell me to go to hell if its not something you wanna share.

Neko Noir said...

the short answer to that question is that he tried to murder me. He's in prison now.

ghost said...
