
Beating the Pavement in Hell

So, now I find myself unemployed. Basically, I lost my job because I skipped out a few times too many. Which, if you ask me, is like suspending a kid for not going to school. "Well, you haven't been coming in to the office lately, so we'll fix it so you can't come in at all." Plus, I had ETO (Earned Time Off), so I don't see how they can fire me, but I'm sure they've got all sorts of legal loopholes in their policy. Well, f* them. Now, they'll have to split my duties among the three of them in addition to their own jobs until they find a suitable replacement for me. Have fun, ladies! I liked the job. I kind of miss it. But, se-la-vi.

The car and the new digs I'd been planning for will have to wait.

What does Neko do when she finds herself with no income? Well, she trots her happy ass down to the temp agency is what she does. I've got a quickie job that'll last me tomorrow and Friday. Then, my application was sent off to another client and I may have a 6 month gig starting in April. The pay on that one is pretty sweet, so I hope it comes through. Insurance? Yeah. That's the tough part. How do I keep my meds coming in? How do I pay for therapy? I guess I'll do what I have to to get by until I've got a steady cash flow again.

Now that Neko has so much free time, what's she been up to? Neko's been gettin' busy with her new b/f is what. If you've had problems finding a steady sexual benefactor, go out and find yourself a young virgin boy to deflower. I couldn't recommend it more highly! Talk about energy, talk about enthusiasm, talk about being appreciated, talk about yummy!!! Of course he's fun to be around and he has more merits than just the goodies. He's an artist! More accurately, and "art student", which is my type completely. We haven't been doing much aside from gettin' busy and watching movies. That'll change when we both get paid. How young is he? Hmm. Well, there's a 10 year difference in age between us. I know, I'm a dirty old woman, but I got over that a while ago. He's not even old enough to hit the bars with me yet. Jesus Christ, he's only 3 years older than my little brother! But, if anything proves that I've "still got it", it's him.

Shouldn't Neko be cleaning house? Shouldn't she be working on her small business plans? Shouldn't she be devoting time to her art projects and craftly endeavors? Hell yes. I should be doing all of those things, but I'm not. I'm sleeping mostly. I love sleeping. But, since Bonz and I shook up that waterbed, it's even more riddled with leaks than before and it's not very comfortable sleeping in a puddle of water, however warm that water may be. Ick. I can't believe I haven't cleaned my room or at least caught up on my penpal letters. What a lazy ass!

What I really, really need to be doing is figuring out a way to not work for "the Man" anymore. Be my own boss. I'm surely not cut out for the corporate life. I can never make it in on time and I have virtually no drive to succeed in that arena. Climb the ladder? Not for me. Sure, I'd like to be making more money. Sure, I'd like to be more stable and more in control. Who wouldn't? But I find it really hard to get enthusiastic about these crappy dead-end jobs and the business they entail. Most of it seems so meaningless to me. "File these papers." "Enter this data." "Mail these envelopes." What good is it really doing anyone except the big wigs who're making all the real cash? No benefit to society, no benefit to the planet (have you any idea just how much paper gets used>!) and certainly no benefit to my self-esteem. Sure, everyone needs money to live on, but is it wrong to want something more?


shenry said...

So, if you're 23 years old then your boyfriend is 13?! Good god, woman, that's illegal!

...I tease because I love you...

Bow to The Man. The Man provides. The Man is good. Do not resist The Man.

Neko Noir said...

Thank god he's legal. I'm much older than 23! The man needs to give me money, by the way. Then I'll love him again.