
The Hell With It

I was supposed to have a date on Saturday night (no-good-for-me-guy). He didn't call, email or anything. But, it wasn't as if I was stuck out in the rain. I just didn't get the expected call. And I don't really blame the guy. It sounds like he's going through a bunch of shit right now. It's just as well. My basic reasons for wanting to see this person were A: he's smokin' hot and B: so I don't get attached to Seven.

So, today I was wondering, why am I chasing again? It's been a distraction. A welcome one, sure, but distracting nonetheless. I've got so many other things going on in my life right now, I don't so much need to fill my calendar with liasons. After realizing this, I developed a course of action. I'll stop looking around. I'll see Seven on occasion, and guy-from-the-bank guy. If Seven decides he wants to get serious, so be it. If we decide to take the relationship down a different path, or terminate it completely, so be it. I'll just hang with what I've got and focus on what I need to get done. That's healthy, doncha think? There are other relationships in my life that need to be nourished. I haven't hung out with mom in a while. Now that I don't work for HellNet, the friends I made there are starting to drift. Next weekend, we'll get together for our little scrapbook club and I can catch up.

Today was a complete veg-out day. I picked up a memory card for my GameCube, because the one I had wasn't large enough to save anything from my new game on. The memory card didn't cost me anything out of pocket, because I have credit at the game store. Then, I popped in Harvest Moon, and spent the majority of my day tending my farm. I'm debating whether I should go and play some more or go to bed. I have a splitting headache and my tummy is quezy. Brother is sick and I hope he didn't pass it on.

Regardless, I should post this before MSN bends me over again.

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