
Hell Is Forbidden

The internet filter at work has decided that the Blogger Beta site where I log in to make my posts at little tragedies has something to do with "sex" and so, I have been blocked from accessing it. That, my friends, is the reason behind the sudden lack of output on my part. I've had loads of bloggable ideas that have been strangled by this lack of available release. I'm feeling ill. Not sick like, "oh, my stomach" sick. Sick like, "I don't know how much more I can stand" sick. A toxicity of negative thoughts poisoning my habits as of late. Writhing inside myself and eating away at the layers of stability and sanity like so many maggots feast on rotten flesh.

I don't mean to be so melodramatic. It's just that I can't seem to bring myself to do much more than drink lately. Fuck. I need to do things, important things, but I'm self-medicating to escape this choking feeling and it's a vicious cycle.


ghost said...

im praying for you, my friend

shenry said...

can you email posts to this blog?

Neko Noir said...

Funny how I can read my blog with the word "sex" on it, but can't access Blogger Beta because of "sexual" content. What the eff? I'm not sure if I can email to this blog or not. I'll have to investigate that option.