
Mornings are Spawned from Hell

In order for me to get up on time this morning, it took 1 alarm clock, 1 wake-up call from a friend, and 1 knock on my door from Dad. This is the second day in a row that I have managed to arrive at work on time.

It doesn't seem to matter what time I wake up - I always feel like crap! Mornings are the most punishing of all moments. It could be partly due to my medication. It could be partly due to my drinking. It could also be partly due to the fact that I find it impossible to sleep before 11 pm, sometimes midnight.

I have been known to sleep for 12 hours straight through. I am the last person you want to run across in the morning. If I don't have to be anywhere, and someone wakes me up for no reason - you'd better look out!! I need my cigarette and my coffee and to be left alone. Unfortunatly, this causes a conflict with my current living situation. At the moment, I'm living with my father. My father is an early riser. Very early. That's bad enough, but he seems to feel that no one else has a right to sleep in later than he does. So, often on the weekends I find myself up late working on the multitude of projects I entertain myself with. Then, on the 1 or 2 days out of the week that I have the chance to sleep in - my dad is crashing around the house!!! Either that, or the cats are jumping on my head.

No rest for the wicked I suppose.

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