
The Next Round In Hell Is On Me

So, I went out to the club last night. I'm realizing now that I'm not as young as I used to be. Can you believe I used to work 2 jobs and party every night 'til 3? Now, one solid night of drinking and staying out late takes me 3 days to recover from. Yet, here I am at work, trudging through the day. Maybe I'm not in such bad shape after all. I was even 15 minutes early to work!

I've had about an hour and a half of sleep. I must look like the living dead. My new job has me up and running about most of the time, so that has been keeping me from falling asleep. But, the music in the office is grating on my nerves!! "Urge to kill...rising..." (the Loco Motion?)

I met someone by chance who happened to be a reader of my old blog! I didn't realize that anyone but my friends ever read my odd ramblings. It was actually very flattering, like meeting a fan or something.

Then there was this guy at the club who wanted some attention from me. To begin with, he was really unattractive. Add to that, he was so drunk that I couldn't understand what he was saying. I think he said something about, didn't he "see me" at Hot Topic? Something idiotic. He moved away from me a little and motioned for me to follow him or dance with him.

It's the first time anything like that has happened to me. I'm not usually shakin' my ass anywhere, let alone a club. When I was back in my hay day, I always used to hang at the clubs with my friends - who all happened to be guys. Walking into a club with a bunch of guys is a sure-fire way to make sure that you don't get hit on. That can be both good and bad.

Anyway, I just waved the guy off. Really, really not anywhere near interested! (Now if I could just get the guy at the porn shop to give me a call)

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