
Who in Hell are You? (part 3)

Before I begin part 3, let's review:

Threads: 1 strike (could have been better, could have been worse)
Food: 1 strike (at least there wasn't a steak involved)
Cuteness: 0 strikes
Car: 1 strike (not a Viper, but not a Geo)
Manners: 1 strike (not holding the door is a no-no)
Bling: 0 strikes (nice phone)
Conversation: 0 strikes
Musical taste: 1 strike (Van Halen without Roth?)
Threads: 1 strike (not Versace, not Old Navy ((or maybe it was?))

You may have noticed some adjustments. I think I started off forgetting that 3 points was bad.
So, beginning with that, here's the rest of the date-evaluation.

We went to a club downtown called "Crocs" to meet Bugs. It took a while for sis to show, so we took a mafia-style booth and I got to the martinis. The table was laden with parchment, and since there was no smoking 'til 10, I took some crayons and got to work testing Van's skills. I drew flames, he drew a dragon crouching from behind a rock. Not bad.

Skills: 0 strikes

There was a review of our previous meeting and apparently, he didn't remember much of it. He blushed when I reminded him of how friendly he had been. I like a guy with a little touch of shyness. Not Mormon enough to keep his hands to himself, but not Heathen enough to warrent a slap in the face.

Cuteness: still holding at 0 strikes.

Bugs finally showed and we decided that Croc's wasn't happenin'. He treated my sis with respect, included her in conversation and offered to pay for drinks. A big plus in the manners department, but still not enough to erase the car-door oversight.

Manners: still 1 strike.

I think the next venue was the Gigglin' Grizzly (I live in Colorado folks). It was the type of hot, sweaty nightclub where you can get lost in the crowd and they pass out promo t-shirts and glowing bracelets. I got a red one. (That's 'cause I'm red-hot) There was an encore of ass grinding and not being able to stand up straight in a room full of people. Black men seem to really like Bugs. For the second night we've chilled, another random ebony-skinned fellow wouldn't leave her alone. I couldn't begin to speculate.

Sometime between the dinner and the club hopping, I had made it clear to Van that he was taking me home for the night. I bade good-night to Bugs and hopped back into the Dodge.

Van has a nice condo. Not to far away, new carpeting, a loft area, a miniature pincer, nice furniture and very, very clean. This guy is getting a second date, if only for the wide-screen, plasma TV I'm in love with.

Crib: 0 strikes and holding strong.

Aside from listening preferences, another way I size up my companions is via cinematic choices. I'm a huge fan of horror, indie flicks and foreign film. When it comes to horror, almost anything goes. You'd be surprised at how many B movies I've sat through (or maybe you wouldn't). One of my all-time favorites is Evil Dead. Evil Dead 2 is great as well, but that's where it ends. The fact that at least one of the two was his shelves is a good sign.

Movies: 0 strikes.

Van also has 2 electric guitars. Now, having lived in Austin - the "live music capital of the world" - I have had many a suitor attempt many a serenade. After we toured the condo and the Star Wars toy collection, I convinced him to fire up the amps and strum a few chords. Impressive, the boy can play!

Skills: 0 strikes strong.

Now, at this point, alarms may be going off in your head, "Star Wars toys?!" I have had several collections of toys myself and am a card-carrying member of the "no way I'm taking that out of the package" club. So, color me dork, but no strikes for the toys.

Where was I...oh, the movie. Well, I didn't finish Evil Dead 2. About 20 minutes into the screening, I made my intentions clear by undoing the buttons of Van's shirt. On to make-out scores:

Kissing: 2 strikes against.

It may seem harsh at first to give so cruel a mark, but I love "the kiss". A good kiss can get my panties nice and soaked before the real action even begins. Van has facial hair, and my poor, delicate chin would up badly chaffed. No innovation and too much repitition. We're going to have to seem some improvement there.

I have to wonder to myself if Van had spent the whole day previous cleaning or if he is just a neat freak. The apartment was spotless! I mean, it was like a set, or as if he'd just moved in. Everything was spotless and neatly in place. For 1, most stoners aren't that clean. For 2, most single guys don't dust, and for 3, most dog-owners have a hard time keeping things up. Almost suspicious. If he had spent the whole day cleaning, that's a plus. But, if the guy's a neat-freak, that could spell danger.

More tomorrow.

1 comment:

shenry said...

I'm transfixed. I've stopped by -like- 10 times yesterday and today looking for the conclusion. Don't leave me hangin'.

New topic: I dig the way you've incorporated the word "hell" into every entries' title. It's got style.