
Driving a Truck in Hell

Well, I'm moving right along in my job hunt and other responsibilities. I've only got one more job to apply to this week in order to fulfill my contract with unemployment. They don't really check to see if you apply for jobs, but I figure it's a good way to force myself into the job hunt. If I send out five resumes a week, something's bound to materialize, right? I've basically written off the temp agencies at this point. They've been neglecting to contact me back about the jobs they've offered and the interviews I've attended and they're not offering me anything new. Besides, I can't wait forever for benes, etc. So, a big middle finger up to the temp employment industry. I've worked how many years as a temp and what do I have to show for it??!! I just hope I can land something cushy, like Shenry has. I don't wish Silver's employment situation on anyone, except my brother (hee hee), but he already f#ed that one up.

I managed to score a little cash from my buddy Seven, which will allow me to pay some bills and retain my status as a PP consultant (I'm not allowed to mention the company's name online anymore). That makes me feel a little better. I still have to beg Dad to pay my car insurance bill. I'm hoping that he'll bend even though he just shelled out the bucks to fix my heap-o-truck. "But Daddy, you don't want me to go without insurance, do you?" *blink, blink* The PP business isn't going as well as hoped, but I can chalk that up to not going the extra mile 'n' stuff as far as pushing the products. My date planner is filling up with tasks to accomplish toward revamping my approach to the business. Plus, I ordered a bunch of nifty new things to add to my presentation. Having only two toys looks pretty lame. But, corporate just sent out an email announcement about how the consultants aren't supposed to mention the business online anymore, primarily because MySpace is getting such a bad public rep these days.

Of course I talked to Spike tonight. I've been a little stressed, since I returned home, about who's feeling what and if things are as great as they were initially. But, I've been reassured and I think it's just lack of meds and too much coffee that are driving me nuts. I cut down on my eating too. Spike's been treating me to totally yummy restaraunt food lately and I feel like a pig. Today I ate only a bagel and 2 bean & cheese burritos from the freezer. I know I shouldn't be starving myself. It's actually exercise that I need, not less food. But smoking all my meals is the lazy way out. We all know that if there is a lazy way out, I'll take it! Isn't that the way models stay thin? I'm not about to gag myself and retch up my lunch or snort coke to maintain my figure, so it's the next worst thing. I keep telling myself that I'll fix up my little BMX in the garage and go out riding. But, seriously, when't THAT going to happen?!


shenry said...

Yes, the life of a government mule is good. Did you ever look at those governement job links I sent you back in the day?

Neko Noir said...

That's my primary source of leads, yo! I visit that sucker daily!