
Happy Hell-oween!!

Take a look at this comic. I think it's cute and appropriately themed for today.

I'm on my way after work to get a new tattoo. I think that it's going to be my annual Halloween tradition to go and get ink. Here's a peek at my design:

It was drawn by Jason Borne, so don't try to rip of the design, you bastards!!

I love Halloween (grin). It's absolutely my favorite holiday, without exception. Surprised?


shenry said...

silver said you were thinking about getting blood-red roses in the background. is this true? i think it's a good idea.

i suppose you'll read this comment too late for my input. so, what i should be asking is: how did it go?

Random said...

happy halloween! and i can't wait to see the new tattoo. :)

ghost said...

i dig the tat. imworking on one for myself right now.

Neko Noir said...

I was planning to get blood red roses in the backgroud..AM planning still. I spent 3 hours under the needle and it's still not finished. Nobody gets to see the new ink until it's done! I go back in 2 weeks for more.