
Words Commonly Found in Hell

This one's for you, Shenry:


1. Trickery, games; skulduggery. To "Claim" or "Declare" shenanigans" is to rhetorically and ironically label something as officially deceitful, improper, or otherwise incorrect.
You should learn to spot their shenanigans and avoid being fooled.

2. A deceitful confidence trick, or mischief causing discomfort or annoyance. Often the term is used in the plural: shenanigans. The word may have come from the Irish language, however in some regions, shenanigans can merely be harmless mischievous play, especially by children.
"The advertisement said it would cost $50 but they charged me $75 at the register. I declare shenanigans." The speaker passes off the statement as having some sort of implied official effect, but in reality, it is simply a complaint.

• To "call", "claim," or "declare" shenanigans is to rhetorically and ironically label something as officially deceitful, improper, or otherwise incorrect.
• Shenanigan Kids, a 1920 animated series by Bray Productions.
• Shenanigans (television), a 1964-65 children's television game show.
• Shenanigans, a compilation album by Green Day.
• Shamrocks & Shenanigans, a song and a greatest hits album by the hip hop trio House of Pain.

from Wikipedia

1. A word that has no business in the rap song Neko was listening to last night.

from Neko


shenry said...

"Because I'm full of [pause] shenanigans..."

You know that's going on my Name Game mix cd. Suffer through it.

Random said...

sometimes i think that artists write songs specifically to use certain words. like the red hot chili peppers randomly sticking "the pleiades" in a song.

i would totally do stuff like that if i could sing/songwrite. just to throw people off. :D