
Coffee Condoms from Hell Letter 2

My goal is to finish all my emails to the major coffee corporations today. I'll hit the little guys later on and start up my coffee condoms de arte idea this week.

Here's my email to Peet's Coffee and Tea (where I really get my morning coffee):

Dear Peet's,

Since it's Grand Opening recently, I have made a visit to your 16th Street Mall location in Denver, Colorado, part of my weekday routine. The coffee is delicious and the staff there is doing a fantastic job. However, I couldn't help but notice how much waste my personal indulgence creates. I throw away a cup, a plastic lid and a cardboard sleeve nearly every day.

So, I've come up with a suggestion that I hope you will consider. Why not offer the public an incentive to return the cardboard sleeves? Yoplait has a campaign in which they donate a certain amount to a breast cancer charity for every lid that is returned to them. It seems that a similar idea partnered with Peet's could help benefit wilderness conservation efforts. I've read about some of Peet's community involvement such as the California Coastal Cleanup Day and Aids Walk 2006 on your website. I think that my idea would fit well alongside these causes.

Thank you for your time and consideration!



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