
Hella Cute

Take a look at what I have on my desktop at work:

Curtousy of Meomi Design. It's so cute!! What nicer way to start the workday than with an uber-cute pink picture on my computer? If you don't have wallpaper with a scantly clad r&b singer or a kick-ass pic of Wonder Woman up, go and download something adorable and slightly weird. (Hey, that kind of describes me)


shenry said...

Jeez, who could your wallpaper examples be referencing?

Anyway, for being a lover of emo and all of its black hair, and black eye liner, and black clothes... I find it odd that you like pink.

ghost said...

are you emo, neko? adorable and slightly weird? sounds good.

Neko Noir said...

Well, I adore emo style and music and guys, but I haven't gotten around to converting my appearance yet. It takes money for a complete style change. I AM adorable AND weird though. o_O